About Me

About Me

My name is James, and I want to get real with you for a minute.

I’ve always dreamed big, wanted to make something of my life, living in service and kindness to others.

However, as a kid I struggled with reading, found academic tasks a challenge and didn’t particularly do the sporty thing.

I struggled with finding a purpose and found myself studying primary teaching at Uni and before long, teaching a class of 25 students all looking up to me. It seemed as though my life was set.

After picking up a camera in my mid 20’s I realised my passion for photography and capturing the beauty in the world around me. I have fallen in love with capturing natural light and the happiness it brings me when I can share it with others.

I am realising that when I commit to a vision and pursue it with 100% passion… anything is possible.

Starting Essential Oil Images has brought me a lot of joy - knowing I am photographing the best essential oils in the world and helping people all around the world build their business.

I’m so grateful where life has taken me and for the lessons I have learnt along the way.

Remember - Your dreams matter because YOU Matter! Never forget that, but you must learn the wisdom, skills and tools to write your own story.

I am here to make your life a little easier. 

90% from every single purchase you make on www.essentialoilimages.com helps to support my family and build my buisness. (10% goes to dōTERRA) Thank you everyone for allowing me to live my dreams.

Big Love,

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